Message for Friday, April 9, 2021

“The LORD will bring about justice and praise in every nation on earth, like flowers blooming in a garden.” Isaiah 61:11 (Contemporary English Version)

I am not much of a gardener but I enjoy seeing flowers in well-maintained flower beds. Some flowers require little effort on my part; they just pop up out of the ground every year in the springtime. We have some daffodils under the oak tree at the corner of our property. Each year they herald spring just popping up from their winter hiding place. Other flowers, such as roses, require more hands-on effort. Roses need dusting, pruning, and support. If we are not careful around roses, we could find thorns in our fingers.

People are like flowers in diversity. Some people just pop up into our lives. Others require some efforts to cultivate relationships. Some of us could even find ourselves being “thorny” from time to time…just like roses.

The LORD will bring about justice and praise in every nation…just like flowers bloom in a garden. What a beautiful promise!

Let us pray: O God, bring about justice and praise today in every nation. Thank You, Lord, for Your marvelous creativity and creation. Thank You, God, for the diversity of flowers and people. Help us today with “thorny” people in our lives. Give us love, understanding, and forgiveness, O God. Where we may have been “thorny” lately, help us to trust You to help us in our relationships. Lord, give us Your love today. Amen. From Signature Healthcare

Hi Everyone,

I like this devotion for a couple reasons, first off, spring flowers just make me happy and optimistic, and a new beginning and they are a gift from God, secondly, as my volunteers will tell you I can be a little “thorny” some days.

On those days God always seems to let one of my volunteers know what to say to me, sweetly telling me a quote from a movie, a song, a Bible verse or just telling me to praise and trust our Lord.  God has blessed MF and myself with the most amazing group of volunteers, their hearts are so full of love for others that it amazes me most days. I can’t wait till Covid is under control and I am optimistic that you all will step out of your comfort zones and feel comfortable to stop by MF and see them in action taking care of our community.

Peace & Kindness,
